Royal Scottish Country Dance Society

Sacramento Branch

Membership Information

The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society has been dedicated to the preservation and advancement of Scottish Country Dancing since it was founded in 1923. This includes the research for collecting old dances, music for the dances, and their publication. The Society also provides many administrative functions such as setting standards for teaching, teacher training, and examinations for teachers.

The Sacramento Branch, being an official extension of the Society, provides services at a local level. These services include but are not limited to, teachers for classes, halls to hold classes, and the monthly parties. The Workshop and Ball is another services that would not take place without the Branch organization.

All of the services, whether from the Society Headquarters in Edinburgh or from the Branch here in Sacramento, cost money. Your membership fees help to pay for these services so you can enjoy Scottish Country Dancing. When you enjoy the dancing and participate in Branch activities, you are helping the Society fulfill its goal. When you pay your membership fees, you are buying into this wonderful endeavor to preserve this part of the Scottish culture.

Other benefits of membership in the Society and the Sacramento Branch are detailed on the membership form, which you can download and print out. 

To view or print the membership form click on the link below.  This is an Adobe Acrobat document requiring Acrobat Reader.  

              Membership Form       


This is a slow download, so give your computer time. Set your printer page setup to Landscape. 

This page updated September 06, 2006

This page maintained by Janet Kurnick

Questions and comments to: webmom